2012 Legislative News






NY State Legislative Session Calendar

Bill Senate Number Senate Sponsor Assembly Number Assembly Sponsor Status
Bubble Bill S4128A Golden 6028A Abbate A. 2/23/12 referred to gov. emps
S. 2/28/12 referred to civil service
Heart Bill     3781 Jaffee A. 1/24/12 referred to gov. emps.
Heart Bill S6646 Ball     3/7/12 referred to civl service
Ambulance Billing         A. 1/04/12 referred to local gov.
S. 1/04/12 referred to local gov.
Statewide 20 Year 384-d         Sent Bill with Fiscal Note to Legislature for Introduction
MRSA Disability N/A N/A 5739A Abbate 2/23/12 Referred to gov. emps
Public Hearing for Reduction in Force N/A N/A 7758 Wright A. 1/04/12 referred to labor
Sp. Accidental Death Benefit COLA S6438A Golden 9116A Markey A. 1/04/12 referred to labor
S. 3/6/12 referred to gov. emps.
Independent Hearing Officer     1378 Lentol 01/04/12 referred to gov. emps.
Fire Instructor No Pension Penalty S4239 Larkin 7455 Rabbitt

A. 1/04/12 referred to gov. emps. .

S. 2/6/12 amended on 3rd reading

Immunity for Failure to Train S5334 Golden 7188 Abbate A. 1/04/12 referred to gov. emps.
S. 1/04/12 referred to Cities
Payment in Lieu of Terminal Leave     5728 Abbate 1/04/12 referred to gov. emps.
Independent Binding ALJ for Retirement Hearing         To Be Drafted
MTA Task Force Bill         Waiting for Introduction
Retiree Health Insurance Protection S4515 Martins 6536 Abbate A. 1/4/12 referred to gov. emps.
S. 1/4/12 referred to insurance
NY City Bills
NYC Training Bill S6436 Golden     S. 2/9/12 referred to cities
CUNY Tuition Waver S6437 Golden     S. 2/9/12 referred to higher ed
Opposed Bills
Hazardous Waste Reimbursement Cap S54444 Zeldin 7672 Sweeney Vetoed (Monitor for Re-Intro)
City of Rochester 2% Money Raid     8077 Morelle A. 1/04/12 referred to gov't emps
Triborough Repeal     1329 Castelli 1/04/12 referred to gov't employees
Firefighters Memorial Bill S4655 Skelos 5933 Weisenberg Vetoed (Monitor for Re-Intro)
2 Year Triborough Repeal     8115 Castelli 1/04/12 rederred to gov't employees
Expiration of CBA (No Triborough)     6344 Goodell 1/04/12 referred to gov't employees





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