by NYSPFFA | Jun 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
NYSPFFA 82nd Conventions begins in Schenectady, NY on June 26th and runs thru June 29th 2023. Welcome messages from NYSPFFA President Sam Fresina, NYSPFFA Chaplain Father Tallman, Schenectady President Ben Yauchler, Schenectady V.P. Mike Komazenski, Schenectady...
by NYSPFFA | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
How Tiers V and VI has Harmed the Recruitment and Retention of New York’s Professional Fire Fighters The Consequences of Tiers V & VI - PDF
by NYSPFFA | Apr 11, 2023 | nyspffa_news, Uncategorized
Members from the NYSPFFA 1st District gather in Rochester for a 2 day presentation by IAFF Peer support educators. Members are being given intense training and the tools and resources needed to be able to help there fellow firefighters back in their home cities if...
by NYSPFFA | Feb 24, 2023 | nyspffa_news, Uncategorized
NYSPFFA 3rd District Health and Safety Seminar kickoffs today 2/24/23 in Albany, NY. Members from across the 3rd district gathered in Albany today to hear various presentations on health and safety topics. Below Retired DC Caruso from Utica Fire presents on 2 1/2...
by NYSPFFA | Feb 13, 2023 | nyspffa_news, Uncategorized
NYSPFFA 1st District Health and Safety Seminar kickoffs today 2/13/23 in Batavia, NY. Members from across the 1st district gathered in Batavia today to hear various presentations on health and safety topics. Below Captain Doug Mitchell from FDNY presents on...
by NYSPFFA | Feb 8, 2023 | nyspffa_news, Uncategorized
Members of the NYSPFFA 5th district gathered at the Westchester County Fire Training Center on February 8th, 2023 to hear presentations on various health and safety topics. Members took the time out of their busy schedules to participate in the conference. Below,...