The U.S. Supreme Court is on the verge of issuing its opinion in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, deciding whether the collection of agency or fair-share fees from non-union members is unconstitutional and invalid in public sector employment.
In anticipation of a ruling, which could come at any moment, the IAFF has prepared this short video to help affiliates prepare for the changes resulting from a potentially negative ruling.
The impact of Janus will likely be felt by affiliates, whether they collect agency fees or not. It is important for all affiliates to continue to engage their members on many levels and demonstrate the value on union membership every day.
For additional assistance on the Janus opinion, visit our Janus Resource Guide.
For more information or if you have questions, contact your district vice president.
Janus v. AFSCME Local 31 is a challenge to a 40-year-old precedent that allows public sector labor unions in non-right to work states to collect agency or fair share fees from individuals who are part of the bargaining unit but not members of the union. It is widely expected that the Supreme Court will overturn that precedent and the agency fee will be eliminated.