Update on Janus: Important information on how to proceed.

Jul 6, 2018 | nyspffa_news

Brothers and Sisters,

There have been many questions regarding the Janus case and how it will affect us, so the following is an update of where we stand today.

Working with our IAFF DVP, Jim Slevin and IAFF legal, and with our state AFL-CIO, we have interpreted the decision as it affects us in NY. The following points should help answer your questions and address your concerns so far:

• As long as your members signed a card when sworn into the Union, and you have them on record, they do not have to sign up again. If they did not, or your local did not keep those records, they will have to sign. The IAFF will provide a generic card electronically for our use.

• Previous to the Janus decision, members had the right to pay full dues or agency fees. The latter excludes any portion of dues that are used for political purposes. These choices still remain. The Janus decision allows them a third option, which is to pay nothing. There were also laws passed in the Governors budget this year, most notably the fact that if a member decides not to pay dues, the local has no obligation to provide legal assistance. You can find the complete description of those changes on our phone app and web site.

• We also did not lose the right to payroll deduction for our dues, contrary to some rumors circulating. (On that note, please be aware that certain groups -- funded by the Koch Brothers, Empire Center, and other anti-union factions -- are feeding false and misleading information around the state. To counteract their efforts and any confusion they might cause, we ask that you continue to educate your members with the facts.) If you need a copy of the IAFF/NYSPFFA presentation please let us know. We are always available to answer questions from locals directly, and will provide a clear and comprehensive fact sheet on our web site.

If you have any further questions, please call or email our board at any time.


Sam Fresina

President - NYSPFFA

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