A 9/11 Message from NYSPFFA

Sep 11, 2024 | Uncategorized

We must never forget.

The phrase clearly reminds us that it was our fire service family, neighbors, and friends that we lost on September 11, 2001.

Some of those we loved were on board an aircraft, or had just reported to work, while others were rushing to provide emergency rescue to those trapped, injured, or clinging to life.

After learning the news – we gathered locally, and across the state - to offer support to our brothers and sisters from New York City Locals: IAFF – 94 and IAFF Local 854.

For many of us – it will be one of our most difficult days.

We remained focused and our first task was to assemble a plan to support Ground Zero rescue and recovery efforts.

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I will also never forget the response that touched our hearts. All over our city, and the country, communities rallied and pulled together as a giant family. With tears in their eyes, they brought every means of support imaginable: home-cooked meals, contributions to supporting survivors, and prayers for our safety.

On this the 23rd year since we experienced the pain of September 11, I once again urge us all to never forget.

Hate, anger and name calling are not virtues. They must be countered.

As a nation we are experiencing far too much negativity and divisiveness. We need to remember how it felt to know we were all supporting each other.

We must never forget that together we cannot be defeated, and we will never waver from that commitment.

Never forget.

Be safe my brothers and sisters. And, be strong.

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