For Immediate Release:
February 25, 2013
Contact: The State Office
AFL-CIO America Opposes Cuomo Binding Arbitration Proposal
The 12 million members of the AFL-CIO America has joined the fight being led by New York’s Professional Fire Fighters Association in opposition to a proposal to strip the rights of the state’s fire fighters and police officers provided by its binding arbitration law.
Richard Trumpka, the President of the massive union – of which the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is a member – and represents working people in every walk of life ranging from electricians, airline pilots, and letter carriers to teachers, mine workers and nurses, aggressively wrote to Governor Cuomo on February 21 on behalf of more than 2 million “proud unionized AFL-CIO members throughout New York.”
Trumpka, a nationally recognized political figure and labor leader, referenced the non-partisan nature and role binding arbitration plays in ensuring public safety is maintained:
“Governors of both parties embraced and respected the need for providing public safety officers arbitration in place of the right to strike. It has been a fair and equitable bargain for many years.
I would not be surprised at this type of action from an avowedly anti-union Republican governor. But it is simply unacceptable for a Democratic governor in New York to launch an overt attack against bargaining rights.
The entire labor movement is watching these events unfold. I respectfully request that you withdraw this offensive and ill-conceived proposal.”
Trumpka’s letter is the latest in a series calling on Governor Cuomo to withdraw the proposal. In recent weeks, Mario Cilento, President of the New York AFL-CIO; Harold Schaitberger, the General President of the IAFF; and fire fighters from around the country have sided with the NYSPFFA.
The New York Professional Fire Fighters Association (NYSPFFA) represents 18,000 men and women working full-time as members of municipal fire departments across the state. NYSPFFA advocates on behalf of members who serve in 104 local unions, 41 counties and in the boroughs of New York City.